Contact us

Please fill out the form below to contact us about anything related to our company or services.
We'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Separate email addresses with a comma.
  • Workplace Worksafe LTD
    Unit 1E & 1F
    Lon Parcwr Industrial Estate
    LL15 1LY
    United Kingdom

Phone:  01824 709500

Our opening times: 

Winter hours 1st Oct- 30th April

Mon-Friday 8am – 5pm

(Christmas shutdown from the 24th December -2nd of Jan)

Summer hours 1st May till 30th September

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Saturdays 9am-12pm

(please note we wont be open on the Saturday of bank holiday weekends)

Alternatively please contact us using the form provided on this page.